Flag of Kenya


Speeches Shim

April 30, 2019

The Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health (PACE) Project, implemented by Population Reference Bureau (PRB), ensures that family planning (FP) and population issues are included in policies and programs to foster sustainable, equitable economic growth and development.

April 30, 2019

The Health Communication and Marketing (HCM) Program is implemented by Population Services Kenya along with other local implementing partners. The focus of HCM is to improve the health of Kenyans through increasing the use of quality health products and services through implementing evidence based social marketing. HCM also increases the use of quality products through social franchising, social behavior change communication and strengthening the capacity of government to lead, coordinate and implement these initiatives.

April 30, 2019

Over 10 million Kenyans suffer from chronic food insecurity and poor nutrition. Improving nutritional status in Kenya calls for a multi-sectoral focus and acknowledgement of the integral role that nutrition plays in ensuring a healthy population and productive workforce. The Kenya Nutrition and Health Program Plus is a national program with county level mandates. The overall goal of the program is to improve nutrition status of Kenyans by utilizing a multi-sectoral approach that addresses both the underlying and systemic causes of malnutrition as well as its immediate determinants.

April 16, 2019

Kenya has an estimated 1.6 million People Living with HIV (PLWH). The HIV epidemic is concentrated among key populations, including people who use and inject drugs (PWU/ID). There are an estimated 18,327 PWID in Kenya, with a HIV prevalence of 18 percent compared to 5.6 percent in the general population. In 2008, about 3.8 percent of all new adult infections were attributed to injecting drug use. With little access to health services and poor adherence to treatment, mortality among PWU/ID was high.   

April 16, 2019

The overarching objective for HP+ in Kenya and East Africa is to contribute to increased, sustainable, predictable, and adequate financing for programs and health policy implementation. The objective contributes directly to Kenya’s Vision 2030, and its 2013-2017 Medium Term Plan (MTP II). The health sector in Kenya is faced with multiple financing challenges namely the declining donor support and increasing out-of-pocket expenditures which act as a barrier to access and contribute to catastrophic health expenditures.
