Flag of Kenya


Speeches Shim

May 23, 2019

Kenya hosts approximately 450,000 registered refugees, mainly from Somalia and South Sudan in Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps and also in Kalobeyei integrated settlement. Since the outbreak of conflict in South Sudan in mid-December 2013, more than 100,000 South Sudanese refugees have entered the country. Joint United Nations, donor and Government of Kenya assessment missions report that refugees depend on international assistance for survival.

May 23, 2019

The USAID East Africa Trade and Investment Hub helps East African businesses take advantage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). AGOA allows for duty-free export of over 6,000 products. This guide outlines the step-by-step process that Kenyan businesses should take to export to the United States of America (U.S.A.) duty-free through AGOA and gives a general overview for the export of all AGOA products from Kenya. It provides additional information on the export of four high-demand, high-value sectors, namely textiles and apparel; coffee; nuts and oil crops; and cut flowers.

April 30, 2019

The Cross-Border Health Integrated Partnership Project (CB-HIPP) is a regional project funded by USAID Kenya and East Africa Mission and is implemented by a team of partners led by FHI 360. It is designed to extend quality integrated health services in strategic land and wet cross-border areas and other transport corridor sites in East, Central and Southern Africa. 

April 30, 2019

Kenya has made significant progress in devolving the health system; bringing management authority and resources closer to the communities served, empowering county health management teams and fostering greater flexibility to meet local needs. To support this shift, functioning outcomes measurements, learning and accountability (MLA) systems at county level are essential. However, the counties have inadequate capacity to regularly collect, analyze and use data.

April 30, 2019

The TB ARC II activity aims to improve TB case finding through active case finding initiatives in all counties, promote access to high quality patient-centered, TB, DR-TB and TB/HIV services; prevent TB transmission and disease progression, strengthen TB service delivery platforms & accelerate research and innovation with the ultimate goal of decreasing incidence & TB related morbidity, and mortality in line with the 90-95-0 targets to End the TB epidemic.
