Speeches Shim
Since 2003, the United States, through USAID, has been a steadfast partner of Iraq in helping enhance the country’s overall stability and promote greater prosperity for all citizens.
The USAID-supported Promoting the Quality of Medicines Plus activity, implemented by U.S. Pharmacopeia, provides technical assistance to sustainably strengthen medical product quality assurance systems in low- and middle-income countries through cross-sectoral and systems strengthening approaches.
The USAID-funded Central Asia Media Program aims to develop a more balanced information environment in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to increase openness among youth and adults for differing ideas, opinions, and perspectives and in turn increase their engagement in civic participation. The five-year, $15 million program is implemented by Internews and runs from October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2023.
Mozambique’s rich biodiversity and natural resources have the potential to drive economic growth through increasing the tourism and extractive industries. Historically though the government has lacked the capacity and political will to effectively protect these resources from illegal activities and corruption. To expand both sectors responsibly, the Mozambican government is now working to curb corruption, enact conservation laws and policies and enforce meaningful legal penalties. Better coordination between relevant government agencies and improved systems and tools for stopping illegal wildlife and timber trafficking, illegal fishing, and uncontrolled forest fire are necessary for the government to succeed in its efforts.
To improve the disability rehabilitation situation in the country, the project targets the policy environment, builds the capacity of policy makers and service providers, and strengthens rehabilitation services and community-based rehabilitation.
The USAID Agribusiness Development activity supports private sector-led growth in Uzbekistan’s agriculture sector by introducing new value-added technologies and management practices across the entire value chain for targeted agricultural commodities.
USAID’s Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE) works to maintain the ecological integrity of the humid forest ecosystem of the Congo Basin. It strengthens forest management in priority carbon-rich, biologically sensitive, and diverse landscapes across the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the Republic of Congo (ROC), and the Central African Republic (CAR). U.S. Government assistance also promotes environmental policy reform and forest ecosystems monitoring in six Central African countries (DRC, ROC, CAR, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Cameroon). Current activities implemented by NGO and U.S. Government partners focus on protected area management, empowering communities, engaging private sector and strengthening policy and capacity:
In support of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS and in partnership with the Government of Iraq, the Funding Facility for Stabilization (FFS) is a 28-donor, multilateral program that aims to stabilize areas recently liberated from ISIS by restoring damaged or destroyed essential services and providing the conditions for a safe and voluntary return of IDPs to their home.
The DART and USAID/BHA personnel supporting the DART continue to assess humanitarian conditions and coordinate response activities in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Humanitarian agencies provide health and WASH support to storm-affected people in Guatemala. DoD transports GoC heavy duty equipment to Providencia to support debris clearance efforts, completing the final DoD mission in support of the humanitarian response to storms Eta and Iota.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is partnering with the Government of Pakistan at both the federal and provincial levels to improve the lives of the people of Punjab.
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