Flag of Kenya


Language: English
Mapping Kenya
Mapping Kenya
Promoting Literacy in Kenya
Promoting Literacy in Kenya
Johnson Soit: Breaking Down Barriers to Conservation
Breaking Down Barriers to Conservation

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

Kenya has the largest, most diversified economy and the second largest population in East Africa. It also has a young, ambitious and well-educated workforce eager to contribute to the development of the country.  As “the gateway to East Africa,” Kenya  plays a vital role as a transportation hub for much of Sub-saharan Africa. 

The friendship between the Republic of Kenya and the United States dates to the dawn of Kenyan independence. As an important developing-country partner, Kenya is a significant recipient of U.S. foreign assistance. For more than 50 years, USAID has worked closely with the Kenyan government, the private sector, and civil society to:

  • Advance access to education;
  • Improve quality healthcare through nutrition, family planning, and maternal and child health, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and strengthening health programs;
  • Lay a foundation for long-term economic growth through trade, agriculture, and infrastructure programs; and
  • Make devolution work for the benefit of all Kenyans through democracy, governance and conflict programs.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

PO Box 629
Village Market 00621
+254-20-363-2680 / 2682

USAID Contact

Karen Juckett
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
, DC