Flag of Kenya

Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

Speeches Shim

Girls and women in Kenya hold unlimited potential.  The barriers that constrain women are multifaceted.  Issues like gender-based violence have remained pervasive.  Women remain underrepresented in decision-making processes at all levels.  Women and girls still spend long hours collecting water and firewood.  Household chores limit school attendance and work options. 

They have less access to and control over the benefits from land tenure, education, and employment opportunities.  Their increased contributions are needed to help Kenya reach their development goals.  Alongside our partners, USAID works to promote women's engagement in every aspect of Kenya's development.  USAID supports Kenya in their journey to self-reliance.

Our work aims to:

  • Create safe spaces for women and girls, so they can live free from gender-based violence.

  • Increase women’s access to credit facilities and markets opportunities.

  • Increase the participation of women in decision and policymaking at all levels.

  • Ensure women’s participation in peacebuilding, conflict prevention, and mitigation.

  • Narrow gender gaps in education, training, and employment.

Fact sheet: Gender equality in Kenya

Toolkits: USAID Gender Based Violence Toolkits