Kenya Tuberculosis Accelerated Response and Care

Speeches Shim

The TB ARC II activity aims to improve TB case finding through active case finding initiatives in all counties, promote access to high quality patient-centered, TB, DR-TB and TB/HIV services; prevent TB transmission and disease progression, strengthen TB service delivery platforms & accelerate research and innovation with the ultimate goal of decreasing incidence & TB related morbidity, and mortality in line with the 90-95-0 targets to End the TB epidemic.

Through the TBARC II activity, CHS supports the National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Lund Disease Program (NTLD-P) towards national level coordination, policy formulation, rapid scale-up of key interventions, and sustainable TB control initiatives. CHS has additionally developed strategic partnerships with The International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (UNION), an international scientific organization to provide technical expertise for capacity building and operations research; Population Services-Kenya (PS Kenya), to create TB awareness and support private sector initiatives; The Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), an international organization to support diagnostic initiatives; the STOP TB Partnership – Kenya for TB advocacy & multi-sectoral engagement of communities and leadership; and KANCO for the engagement of the Informal Service Providers in TB Control.

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Tuesday, April 30, 2019 - 9:15am