Home » What We Do » Working in Crises and Conflict » Stabilization and Transitions » Where We Work » Closed Programs
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- Transformation at USAID
- Water and Sanitation
- Working in Crises and Conflict
- Disaster Assistance
- Stabilization and Transitions
- Where We Work
- Afghanistan
- Armenia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Burkina Faso
- Colombia
- Ethiopia
- Iraq
- Libya
- Malaysia
- Mozambique
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Sudan
- Ukraine
- Closed Programs
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Angola
- Bolivia
- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Burma
- Burundi
- Chad
- Colombia
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Democratic Republic of Congo
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- Haiti
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- Lebanon
- Liberia
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- Nepal
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- North Macedonia
- Northern Cameroon
- Pakistan
- Peru
- Philippines
- Rwanda
- Serbia and Montenegro
- Sierra Leone
- Somalia
- South Sudan
- Sri Lanka
- Sudan
- Syria
- Tunisia
- Uganda
- Venezuela
- West Bank/Gaza
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
- Background
- Criteria for Engagement
- Multi-Media
- Opportunities
- Our Stories
- Where We Work
- Conflict Mitigation and Prevention
- Countering Violent Extremism
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Peacebuilding and Reconciliation
- Recovering From Crisis
- Resilience
- Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention
- Women, Peace, and Security
- World Humanitarian Day
- U.S. Global Development Lab
Speeches Shim

Yemeni women put their fingers to form the shape of a star, and painted in the colours of the Tunisian (top L), Syrian (C), Libyan (top R), Yemeni (bottom R) and Egyptian (bottom L) flags as they take part in a mass protest against the rule of President
USAID/OTI’s more than 20 years of experience implementing over 25,000 activities in nearly 60 engagements has generated invaluable lessons learned. USAID/OTI activities are shaped by the principle that foreign assistance should nurture resilient local institutions, systems, and capacities that enable developing countries to manage challenges effectively while promoting peace and democracy.
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