
Speeches Shim

Map of Afghanistan

Contribute to the conditions for successful peace talks and sustained peacebuilding.


In September 2020, the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban launched the Afghan Peace Negotiations, building on the U.S.-Taliban agreement signed in February 2020. This peace process is the best chance to end 40 years of conflict and ensure that Afghanistan will no longer serve as a refuge for groups that threaten the United States. Stability in Afghanistan and the success of the peace process will depend on immediate efforts to build social cohesion, enable reconciliation, and foster inclusion in the peace talks.


The Afghanistan Peace Support Initiative (PSI) is a short-term program that contributes to the peace process by strengthening support among Afghans for a sustainable resolution to the country’s ongoing conflict. PSI supports the Government of Afghanistan’s participation in an inclusive peace process that represents the country’s diversity and democratic values, while also equipping USAID and other stakeholders with the tools and information needed to successfully reinforce peace at a local level. The program’s objectives are to:

  • Better understand challenges and opportunities to build peace and unity; and
  • Consolidate and amplify Afghans’ support for peace.


  • USAID/OTI conducts research to improve USAID and the Government of Afghanistan's understanding of strategic communications opportunities and public sentiments. The program will help the Government of Afghanistan, civil society, and the media ensure that Afghan citizens understand the peace process and are involved in creating a peace that protects the country’s social and economic development.

  • USAID/OTI identifies areas for sub-national peacebuilding by mapping socio-economic indicators and developing an open-source, interactive tool to identify reconciliation and peace-building opportunities following reductions in violence. By partnering with local non-governmental organizations that provide ongoing reporting of factors that contribute to peace and stability, USAID/OTI will gain real-time insights into emergent opportunities to build peace and mitigate spoilers. 

  • USAID/OTI builds the outreach and communication capabilities of the Government of Afghanistan’s actors by providing ongoing technical assistance—such as training and other support—to improve institutions working on the peace process by bolstering their analytical abilities, media outreach, and content development work.

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