- What We Do
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Democracy, Human Rights and Governance
- Economic Growth and Trade
- Education
- Environment and Global Climate Change
- Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
- Global Health
- Humanitarian Assistance
- Transformation at USAID
- Water and Sanitation
- Working in Crises and Conflict
- U.S. Global Development Lab
Speeches Shim
Through structural changes, USAID is creating a more field-oriented, functionally-aligned and responsive Agency capable of ending the need for foreign assistance.
- The changes to the Office of the Administrator will more effectively manage the complexity of USAID’s work by creating two Associate Administrators.
- The Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance will advance our goal of seamlessly delivering food and non-food international disaster aid.
- The Resilience and Food Security Bureau will strengthen support to the field to build resilient communities and countries.
- The Conflict Prevention and Stabilization Bureau will strengthen USAID’s capacity to prevent conflict, address fragility, and respond to global crises.
- The proposed Policy, Resources and Performance Bureau would create a stronger and more coordinated Agency voice, aligning policy, resources and evidence-based programming.
- The Development, Democracy and Innovation will reorient Washington-based technical expertise to drive program decision-making toward the field.
- The Bureau for Asia will create stronger regional coordination and strategies, aligning to Interagency priorities.
- The proposed Bureau for Management would centralize services for program and management support, security, and human capital and talent management.
Transforming Our Structure Fact Sheets and Resources
- Fact Sheet: The Office of the Administrator
- Fact Sheet: The Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance(HA)
- Fact Sheet: The Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (RFS)
- Fact Sheet: The Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization (CPS)
- Fact Sheet: The Bureau for Global Health (GH)
- Fact Sheet: The Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation (DDI)
- Fact Sheet: The Bureau for Asia
- Fact Sheet: The Bureau for Policy, Resources, and Performance (PRP)
- Fact Sheet: The Bureau for Management (M)
- Fact Sheet: Beyond the Organizational Charts: Leadership Councils, Centers and Hubs
- Presentation: USAID's Proposed Structure
- Palm Card: Transforming Our Structure
Questions? Email us at Transformation@usaid.gov
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.