
Speeches Shim

2001 - 2003


USAID/OTI began its Peru program in February 2001 to support the democratic opening created by the fall of President Alberto Fujimori’s government in November 2000. USAID/OTI sought to support the transition government of Valentin Paniagua and later the newly elected government of Alejandro Toledo.


Through a consultative process involving USAID/OTI, the USAID Mission, the U.S. Embassy, Peruvian governmental representatives and civil society representatives, USAID/OTI identified five areas key to a successful democratic transition:

  • Support for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which was established to review and report on the violence and atrocities committed by Peru’s guerrilla insurgency and the military in reaction to it;
  • Support to the new congress and its members, most of whom were new to government;
  • Support for the Peruvian government’s decision to decentralize governmental authority to its political regions;
  • Support to improve the dialogue among the Peruvian government, civil society and the military; and
  • Support for anti-corruption efforts.


  • USAID/OTI supported a nationwide campaign designed by Peru's Presidency of the Cabinet (PCM) to educate the population about their maturing democracy. The campaign involved the design and production of radio spots on decentralization for 1,100 broadcasts on six national radio stations in 40 cities; two 30-second TV spots broadcast 70 times on four national stations in 40 cities; and two 45-second TV spots broadcast 150 times on local TV in 24 cities over a four-week period. The politically neutral TV and radio spots targeted Peru's citizens between the ages of 18 and 65 and improved the capacity of the population to evaluate electoral promises toward November 2002.
  • USAID/OTI trained newly elected legislators and their staff to ensure that the multi-district congress acted as an effective balance to the executive branch. In addition, USAID/OTI supported national and local information campaigns to educate citizens about the role and functions of congress and activities such as public hearings and town hall meetings to facilitate congressional accountability and responsiveness to the Peruvian electorate.
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