India Tuberculosis Roadmap Overview, Fiscal Year 2021

Speeches Shim

This is an overview of the USAID/India FY 2021 Tuberculosis (TB) Roadmap, implemented with FY 2020 budget.


The following tables illustrate the distribution by technical area of the USAID TB budget for India that will be used for the implementation of India’s FY21 TB Roadmap (Table 1) and the core indicators that will be used to monitor implementation of India’s TB Roadmap and the country's progress towards the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on TB targets (UNGA targets) (Table 2).

Table 1: USAID Budget for India per Technical Area*

Technical Area USAID TB budget for FY21 USAID Percentage of TB budget for FY21
REACH $9,145,000 48%
CURE $6,811,000 36%
PREVENT $1,734,000 9%
SELF-RELIANCE $1,294,000 7%
TOTAL BUDGET: $18,984,000 100%

*USAID is working with the Global Fund to provide similar budget data for next year. It is anticipated this information will be added once the discussions have been finalized.

Table 2: TB Core Indicators in India from 2015-2019 and Targets from 2020-2022

# Name 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021* 2022*
REACH: Increased DS- and DR-TB case notification
1 TB Detection 58.7% 63.2% 60.2% 74.1% 82% UNGA Target: 0 UNGA Target: 0 UNGA Target: 0
2 Bacteriological Diagnosis Coverage (Pulmonary TB) 63.9% 62.6% 71.1% 56.7% 57.0%
3 Childhood TB Notifications 99,133 104,886 101,170 129,510 145,574 UNGA target: 251,900 UNGA target: 271,000 UNGA target: 265,800
4 Drug-Resistant TB Notifications 31,924 39,722 41,659 61,747 68,578 UNGA target: 86,070 UNGA target: 110,210 UNGA target: 124,050
5 Private Sector TB Notifications TBD TBD TBD 542,527 678,895
6 Contact Investigation Coverage** TBD TBD TBD TBD 79.0%
CURE: High treatment success rate in DS- and DR-TB
7 TB Treatment Success Rate 85.1% 85.8% 84.7% 91%**
8 Drug-Resistant TB treatment Success Rate 46.9% 47.1% 48%
PREVENT: Prevent TB transmission and development
9 TPT Coverage 591 877 13,761 21,841 973,171 UNGA target: 305,490 UNGA target: 478,650 UNGA target: 587,600
SELF-RELIANCE: Commitment and sustainability
10 Proportion of Domestic Financing for TB 68.0% 85%

*Projected UNGA targets.
***TB Treatment Success Rate is calculated among the 2018 cohort, after the exclusion of those who have not been evaluated.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - 1:30pm