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Message from USAID Acting Administrator John Barsa on the TB Accelerator
Through the Global Accelerator to End TB, USAID builds nurses capacity to provide vital TB services
Active Case Finding: How USAID is working with National TB Programs and local organizations to find and treat the missing TB cases.
USAID FY18 Tuberculosis Report to Congress: Accelerating Action to End TB
To accelerate action on TB, USAID has announced an innovative model, “The Global Accelerator to End Tuberculosis.”
Speeches Shim
Key Publications
Since 2000, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and partners have saved more than 58 million lives globally.
TB remains the world’s deadliest infectious disease. It takes the lives of an estimated 1.5 million people each year - more than HIV and malaria combined. Delayed diagnosis, weak laboratory services and health care, high-risk co-morbidities, and the challenges of drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) cause millions of people across the globe to suffer and die from the disease each year.

USAID leads the U.S. Government’s global TB efforts by working with agencies and partners around the world to reach every person with the disease, cure those in need of treatment, and prevent the spread of new infections and the progression to active TB disease. USAID provides bilateral assistance in 23 countries with high burdens of TB, as well as targeted technical assistance in an additional 32 countries.
USAID’s new TB business model, the Global Accelerator to End TB, increases commitment and builds capacity of governments, civil society, and the private sector to accelerate countries’ progress in achieving the United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB target of diagnosing and enrolling an additional 40 million people on TB treatment by 2022 and ultimately, ending TB. Through the Accelerator, USAID continues to improve care, strengthen TB services, and provide diagnostics and drugs in the fight against TB. To address the specific challenges of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients, USAID is expanding the availability of new MDR-TB drugs and regimens that save lives, as well as investing in pivotal clinical trials.
USAID leads the U.S. Government’s global TB efforts by supporting bilateral programs in 23 priority TB countries and providing technical assistance to 55 countries.
In Fiscal Year 2018, USAID investments totaled $265 million. Working together with other partners and each country’s National TB Program, the following results were achieved:

TB cases detected

Health workers trained

D-TB patients started on treatment

Treatment Success Rate (TSR)

Countries completed TB prevalence surveys*

Increase in TB case notifications

GeneXpert cartridges procured under concessional pricing

Countries benefited from the Bedaquiline Donation Program*

Research studies on new treatment regimens funded

Countries completed DR-TB Surveys*
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