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Speeches Shim
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) partners directly with a variety of civil society, private sector, multilateral and bilateral development organizations to achieve global progress on nutrition, including:
USAID Advancing Nutrition
USAID Advancing Nutrition works to improve the nutrition and health status of vulnerable populations by addressing the root causes of malnutrition. With a focus on building local capacity, supporting behavior change and strengthening the enabling environment for nutrition, this project aims to save lives, improve health, build resilience, increase economic productivity and advance development. This project is implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. along with a diverse group of partners.
USAID Advancing Nutrition works to improve the nutrition and health status of vulnerable populations by addressing the root causes of malnutrition. With a focus on building local capacity, supporting behavior change and strengthening the enabling environment for nutrition, this project aims to save lives, improve health, build resilience, increase economic productivity and advance development. This project is implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. along with a diverse group of partners.

Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD)
Since 1999, USAID has been supporting, through the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), programs to introduce, improve, and consolidate salt iodization programs all over the world, with the goal of preventing iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), which are the main cause of preventable mental retardation. During this period, 32 countries globally have received the benefit of an investment that contributes to raising the IQ of their populations. In most countries, programs are already running well, and now the challenge is to maintain these successes through mutual collaboration and motivation across regions.
Since 1999, USAID has been supporting, through the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), programs to introduce, improve, and consolidate salt iodization programs all over the world, with the goal of preventing iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), which are the main cause of preventable mental retardation. During this period, 32 countries globally have received the benefit of an investment that contributes to raising the IQ of their populations. In most countries, programs are already running well, and now the challenge is to maintain these successes through mutual collaboration and motivation across regions.
Child Blindness
With an emphasis on quality and innovation, USAID prevents and treats blindness, restores sight and provides eyeglasses to thousands of people in the poorest communities of the world each year through the Agency's Child Blindness Program. This program originated through a congressional directive in 1991. Since then, the generous support of the American people has made it possible to provide eye care to over seven million children through direct service delivery, capacity strengthening, and global knowledge sharing and leadership
With an emphasis on quality and innovation, USAID prevents and treats blindness, restores sight and provides eyeglasses to thousands of people in the poorest communities of the world each year through the Agency's Child Blindness Program. This program originated through a congressional directive in 1991. Since then, the generous support of the American people has made it possible to provide eye care to over seven million children through direct service delivery, capacity strengthening, and global knowledge sharing and leadership
MOMENTUM — or Moving Integrated, Quality Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services to Scale— is a suite of projects that aims to accelerate reductions in maternal, newborn, and child mortality and morbidity in high-burden countries by increasing host country commitment and capacity to provide high-quality, integrated health care.
MOMENTUM — or Moving Integrated, Quality Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services to Scale— is a suite of projects that aims to accelerate reductions in maternal, newborn, and child mortality and morbidity in high-burden countries by increasing host country commitment and capacity to provide high-quality, integrated health care.
Breakthrough ACTION
Breakthrough ACTION ignites collective action and encourages people to adopt healthier behaviors—from using modern contraceptive methods and sleeping under bed nets to improved complementary feeding—by forging, testing, and scaling up new and hybrid approaches to social and behavior change (SBC). This project is a partnership led by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs.
Breakthrough ACTION ignites collective action and encourages people to adopt healthier behaviors—from using modern contraceptive methods and sleeping under bed nets to improved complementary feeding—by forging, testing, and scaling up new and hybrid approaches to social and behavior change (SBC). This project is a partnership led by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs.
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