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Speeches Shim

MOMENTUM — or Moving Integrated, Quality Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services to Scale— is a suite of projects that aims to accelerate reductions in maternal, newborn, and child mortality and morbidity in high-burden countries by increasing host country commitment and capacity to provide high-quality, integrated health care. Through MOMENTUM, USAID will meet countries where they are on their development journey and provide the support needed to progress towards self-reliance for health.
Explore the USAID MOMENTUM website for the latest news, resources, and information on improving equitable access to care for women, children, and their families and communities.
Using a targeted, contextualized approach, MOMENTUM is designed to build upon existing evidence and best practices, as well as to catalyze new ideas, partnerships, and approaches. MOMENTUM also includes a greater focus on building the capacity, sustainability, and resilience of local partner institutions, recognizing that building the technical and organizational capacity of local organizations is necessary to deliver sustainable, evidence-based and quality maternal, newborn, and child health services and voluntary family planning and reproductive health care.
MOMENTUM includes a growing suite of awards, each with a specific focus area, that together can provide a comprehensive, flexible package of support for countries as they overcome unique, context-specific health challenges and progress towards self-reliant health systems. Current awards:
- MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience focuses on addressing the impacts of fragility - whether triggered by political instability, natural disasters, conflict, or violence - on the health and well-being of women, newborns, and children.
- MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership focuses on (1) providing targeted technical and capacity development assistance to our missions, partner countries, and local organizations, and (2) contributing to global technical leadership and policy dialogue for improved maternal, newborn, and child health, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health outcomes.
- MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery focuses on (1) ensuring increased availability of and demand for evidence-based, quality, voluntary family planning care and maternal, newborn, and child health information, services, and supplies through private providers and outlets, and (2) expanding public and private partnerships to ensure a total market approach for improved health care coverage.
- MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator supports monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management, and the translation of learning across the entire portfolio of MOMENTUM awards.
- MOMENTUM Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Obstetrics will focus on promoting awareness of, equitable access to, and high quality of care for voluntary and consented safer surgeries within maternal health and family planning programs.
- MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity focuses on the sustainable strengthening of routine immunization programs to (1) overcome the entrenched obstacles contributing to declining immunization rates and (2) address the barriers to reaching zero-dose and underimmunized children with life-saving vaccines and other health services.

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