Reports and Articles

Speeches Shim

Cross Cutting Resources

Family Planning High Impact Practices

Investing in Family Planning: Key to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals [PDF, 3MB]


Global Health Programs Report to Congress: FY 2017 (when available)

Standard Provisions for U.S. NGO Recipients

Standard Provisions for non-U.S. NGOs


Health Financing for Family Planning

Financing Framework to End Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths


K4Health: Faith-Based Organization and Religious and Spiritual Leaders

Research and Innovation

Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives Learning Package

Envision FP

Introducing Contraceptive Methods in Low-Resource Settings [PDF, 300K]

The Initiative for Multipurpose Prevention Technologies

Fertility Awareness for Community Transformation

Real Fathers Initiative

Passages Project

Gender/Women’s Empowerment

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: United States Government’s Response

Child, Early and Forced Marriage: United States Government’s Response

Private Sector (Waiting for Private Sector Material)


Healthy Timing and Spacing Toolkit

Acting on the Call 2017: Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths [1.2MB]

Maternal and Child Survival Program

Demand Generation for I-Kit

The Healthy Timing Healthy Spacing Implementation Kit

Supply Chain

Overview of Contraceptive and Condom Shipments [PDF, 2MB]

Smart Investing: Financing Public Health Supply Chains A Data For Advocacy Job Aid (PDF version) [LINK?]

USAID Deliver Project: Why Invest in Supply Chains


Supporting Youth Health with Social and Behavior Change Communication


Educating Girls: Creating a foundation for positive sexual and reproductive health behaviors

Reaching Young and Married First Time Parents


Promising Programmatic Approaches for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health eLearning Course

Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy


Webinar on LARC Methods: Increasing Contraceptive Options for Youth

Technical & Policy Briefs

Increasing Access to Contraceptive Information and Services for First-Time Mothers in Shinyanga District, Tanzania

Increasing Access to Contraceptive Information and Services for First-Time Mothers in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

Meeting the Need, Fulfilling the Promise: Youth and Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives

Youth Adolescent Friendly Services

Barriers to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Uptake Among Youth

Testing a Service-Delivery Model for Offering Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Methods to Youth in Ethiopia


Thinking outside the separate space: A decision-making tool for designing youth-friendly services

Educating Girls: Creating a foundation for positive sexual and reproductive health behaviors

Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy

Reaching Young and Married First Time Parents

Global Consensus Statement on Youth and Family Planning


Promising Programmatic Approaches for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health eLearning Course

Technical Briefs

Increasing Access to Contraceptive Information and Services for First-Time Mothers in Shinyanga District, Tanzania

Increasing Access to Contraceptive Information and Services for First-Time Mothers in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

Social and Behavior Change

Health Communication: Enabling Voluntary and Informed Decision-Making

Tools for Behavior Change Communication