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Language: English | Khmer

Speeches Shim

Closing Ceremony of TOT on Soft Skill Training
February 28, 2018

Under USAID’s Cambodia Countering Trafficking in Persons Program, Winrock International partnered with BBC Media Action to develop a program and to provide Training-of-Trainers workshops on soft skills development. The program improves the skills of workers with limited education so they can more successfully access the job market, better identify employment options, improve their communication skills, and build their confidence. This is an important part of our larger effort at countering human trafficking.

February 22, 2018

We are happy to see the great partnerships that have been formed during the project with the Royal Government of Cambodia, commercial brands, garment factories, and other key stakeholders in the garment sector, many of whom are here today. Today, we will discuss the findings of several research activities and an assessment of how the WorkerHealth project provided important family planning and reproductive health services to garment factory workers.

February 20, 2018

As Cambodia moves towards virtual elimination of HIV, it becomes ever more important to know what elements of the national program are producing the desired results and which elements require adjustment. Evaluating innovative approaches to programming and finding efficiencies take on heightened importance. This is where research and evaluation play critical roles. The USAID HIV Innovate and Evaluate Project did just that by providing relevant information to Cambodia's decision-makers at the policy, implementation, and community levels.

February 6, 2018

Today, we’re here to learn more about Providing For Health (P4H) as a global network, to celebrate Cambodia’s achievements to date, to identify future needs and gaps in programming, and to discuss areas for collaboration in the future. In the move towards UHC, much has been accomplished.

February 5, 2018

USAID is committed to providing access to quality education for all children, regardless of their disabilities and social status, around the world. In Cambodia, we have integrated inclusive education as part of our broader support to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport focusing on early grade reading through the All Children Reading Cambodia project.
