Speeches Shim
This was a half-day event, held in Phnom Penh on June 21, 2013, with 190 participants representing 126 organizations attending. The workshop aimed to provide an introduction to 1) USAID/Cambodia's programs and priorities, and 2) the elements of solicitation, a successful proposal and an award from USAID.
The workshop presentation and “useful links” handout are in English and Khmer.
In February 2012, a USAID Washington Nutrition team along with SPRING consultants visited USAID/Cambodia to provide strategic planning assistance by conducting an analysis of current U.S. Government nutrition investments, existing nutrition links and gaps between sectors, country needs, and gaps in knowledge, programming, and capacity. Consultations with partners, Royal Government of Cambodia representatives and other stakeholders, as well as field visits to nutrition and agriculture sites, and a debriefing with USAID/Cambodia informed the development of the following recommendations.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.