Speeches Shim

USAID's programs encourage youth and women to get involved in the democratic process.
Better Factories Cambodia
USAID works closely with civil society organizations to promote human rights, civil and political liberties, and strengthen the role of women and youth in the political process. By informing and encouraging constructive public debate about transparency and accountability, USAID lays the groundwork for building the political will for change. Our programs encourage youth and women to get involved in the democratic process. USAID has also been able to successfully use technology, develop private-public partnerships, and work with civil society organizations to address governance and human rights issues.
Key impacts in the sector include:
- Over 150,000 garment factory workers received legal assistance on their labor dispute cases with 47% of the cases successfully resolved
- Trained more than 1,000 laborers to advocate for the rights of workers in garment factories, hospitality industry, construction and informal sector.
- Provided support and emergency services including, food, clothing, referral to social services, and return home or to safe havens, to more than 16,000 vulnerable and abused returning Cambodian migrants.
- More than 180 Cambodian employers used a newly created job seeking platform for low and unskilled labor to advertise over 2,000 positions. To date, nearly 2,200 people have applied for jobs using this platform.
- Advanced Cambodia’s Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Tier ranking from “Tier 2 watch list” to “Tier 2” on the State Department’s Annual TIP Report.
- Over 370,000 youth involved in civic educations programs.
- More than 15,000 people participated in voter education programs.
- More than 1,700 Cambodians received assistance to promote LGBTI rights
- Legal assistance provided to more than 5,000 victims of human rights abuses.
- Tech-enabled solutions assisted civil society to reach more than 200,000 people in Cambodia.
- Multiple, high-profile land disputes were resolved that affected almost 1,000 families with advocacy and legal services support by USAID.
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