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Our Work

Language: English | Khmer

Speeches Shim

Reaching all 25 Cambodian provinces, USAID works with Cambodian and international partners to implement a range of programs that benefit all Cambodians. Our work focuses on strengthening democratic governance and human rights; improving health and nutrition; supporting education and child development; increasing agricultural production and food security; conserving forests and watersheds; and helping farmers and households adapt to and mitigate the impact of natural hazards.


For the last two decades, Freedom House has rated Cambodia as “not free” due to restrictions on civil liberties and political rights. USAID helps Cambodian civil society and private sector organizations to protect human rights and civil liberties, advance women’s entrepreneurship, safeguard workers’ rights and fight human trafficking. For example, in 2018 USAID trained 48 union leaders and labor activists on how to implement safe labor practices and worked to reduce unsafe migration by developing an online jobs platform that is used by hundreds of thousands of unskilled and low-skilled workers.


Cambodia’s health, education and social services do not reach all Cambodians. With USAID’s support, Cambodia is reducing the burden of infectious diseases while increasing access to quality health services, and is improving the way Cambodian children learn. As an example of Cambodia’s increasing self-reliance, in 2018 USAID transferred management of the Health Equity Fund, which provides health care to 2.5 million Cambodians, to the Government of Cambodia, giving Cambodia control over its future development.


Many rural households and communities struggle to benefit from Cambodia’s rapid economic growth. To increase more Cambodians’ access to growing wealth, USAID brings together key actors, including American agricultural universities, to help strengthen local capacity to produce more food, boost incomes and reduce malnutrition. For example, in 2018 USAID helped to facilitate partnerships between buyers and farmers that resulted in over $6 million in sales and 190 jobs.