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Fighting tuberculosis (TB) is a top priority for the United States Government. The U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) new TB business model, the “Global Accelerator to End Tuberculosis,” catalyzes investments across multiple countries and sectors to end the epidemic while helping countries along their Journey to Self-Reliance. USAID has been a leader in the global fight against TB for over two decades and has provided TB treatment to more than 13 million people, including over 300,000 suffering from multidrug-resistant TB (MDR). Since 2000, the USAID TB program has achieved a nearly 50 percent reduction in TB-related deaths, and with our partners, we’ve saved more than 54 million lives.
TB Local Organizations Network Project
USAID is proud to announce the TB Local Organizations Network (LON) Annual Program Statement (APS), as a key component of the USAID Global Accelerator to End Tuberculosis. Through LON, USAID seeks to partner directly with local organizations in USAID TB priority countries to implement locally generated solutions to improve TB diagnosis, treatment, and prevention services. Partnering directly with local organizations, including civil society organizations, faith-based organizations, private sector service delivery provider organizations, and academic institutions, LON prioritizes country empowerment and accountability to improve TB services, and leverages additional resources in USAID TB priority countries. LON will build on the capacity and available resources of local institutions to achieve self-reliance of national TB programs. Partnering directly with local institutions and organizations will maximize the potential impact of USAID resources to make sustainable improvements in TB services by accelerating the transition to local accountability and ownership. LON will create new partnerships and opportunities to address the challenges of TB and assist countries as they progress on their Journey to Self-Reliance.
Partnering with Us
Interested local organizations in USAID TB priority countries are encouraged to review the APS on grants.gov by visiting the website below and following the instructions to submit a Concept Paper.
The complete announcement is available at grants.gov, with the Opportunity Title:
Local Organizations Network Project (LON)
Questions regarding this APS should be submitted via email to LON@usaid.gov and reference Funding Opportunity Number: 7200AA19APS00001
Download the Partnering wth Local Organizations to End TB announcement. [PDF, 88KB]
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.