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Speeches Shim

As a key implementer of PEPFAR, the Office of HIV/AIDS (OHA) leads USAID’s efforts to control the HIV/AIDS epidemic, working in close collaboration with Missions and other bureaus within the Agency. OHA’s mandate is to provide both technical support to the field and technical leadership within USAID, PEPFAR, and the global HIV/AIDS community. The OHA blog tells the story of how USAID demonstrates its leadership in advancing HIV epidemic control and sustainability, supporting country-led efforts for long-term sustainability and results, and applying science, technology, and innovation to support the implementation of cost-effective, cutting-edge, sustainable, and appropriately integrated HIV/AIDS interventions at scale.

USAID/Ethiopia’s President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program has achieved significant success in preventing and responding to HIV among children. Programs for children orphaned and made vulnerable by HIV (OVC) help HIV-positive children and adolescents begin and maintain treatment and improve viral suppression -- a key component of decreasing transmission.

Fighting Gender-based Violence during COVID-19: A success story in Zimbabwe
USAID’s Office of HIV/AIDS work supports adolescent girls and young women by ensuring they receive the support they need to be healthy and safe through the DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe) partnership.

In Malawi, drones prove successful in delivering health commodities to remote areas.

Building the Health Workforce in Malawi
Health workers are often the unsung heroes in the fight against HIV/AIDS, but many countries face a significant shortage. Discover how USAID is partnering with the Government of Malawi to help strengthen the health workforce to improve HIV services.

HIV Advocates Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis
By Daisy Ouya, AVAC Communications Advisor, on behalf of the Coalition to Accelerate and Support Prevention Research (CASPR)
The COVID-19 pandemic demands that everyone apply their skills, resources and networks to empower communities and ease collective suffering.

AVAC Report 2019 Asks “Now What?”: A look at the highlights
By Breanne Lesnar, MPH, and Stacey Hannah, MHS, on December 18, 2019
Every year our communities commemorate World AIDS Day (WAD) on December 1st, but this WAD carries special weight.

What does Self-Reliance look like on the way to an HIV Vaccine?
By Thomas J. Hope, PhD, and Ann Marie Carias, PhD, on June 2, 2019
On May 18th, the world marks the 21st World AIDS Vaccine Day—a day that serves as an annual reminder of the urgent need for an HIV vaccine.

Paving the Way for African Scientists to Spearhead HIV Vaccine Development
By Jill Gilmour, PhD, and Daniel Ochiel, PhD, on January 30, 2019
Discover how the USAID-supported Vaccine Immunology Science and Technology for Africa (VISTA) consortium utilizes scientific talent in Africa to bring us closer to an effective HIV vaccine.

HIV Vaccines Garner Support from the Faith Community in Kayole, Kenya
By Ethel Makila on January 30, 2019
Learn how USAID and International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) are working with the faith-based community to inform the research and development for an HIV vaccine.
OHA Partners’ Successes
Lesotho Nurses Win Trust during Pandemic
World AIDS Day 2020: Breakthroughs in Women’s HIV Prevention
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