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Speeches Shim

Remarks by Jean-Marc Gorelick, Deputy Director, Office of Democracy  and Governance, USAID Cambodia, Consultation Workshop on Implication of Labor Migration Policy between Cambodia and Thailand
May 19, 2017

Human trafficking is one of the most important human rights challenges of our time. It preys upon the vulnerable, breaks down the rule of law, and corrupts global commerce. It is a serious transitional crime which destroys the lives of millions of people worldwide each year including Cambodia.

Remarks by Mr. Noah Mathew Sprafkin, Maternal Child Health/Family Planning/Nutrition Team Leader, USAID Cambodia, Orientation Workshop on Regulations for Health Practitioners Law
May 11, 2017

The passing of this new law marks an important milestone. It demonstrates Cambodia’s commitment to strengthening health professions and ensuring the quality of health services around the country. It will also help the Councils by strengthening their partnership with the Ministry of Health, health development partners, and you, representatives from the garment factories and private sector. 

Remarks by Menglim Kim, Project Management Specialist, USAID Cambodia, National Reflection and Learning Meeting Sub-National Authority and Community Engagement for Improved Natural Resource Governance and Practices
May 11, 2017

USAID is proud to support the natural resource management strategies that you discussed today because it demonstrates that we are not just looking to respond to discrete problems, but that we are working to strengthen the entire system that decides how natural resources are managed.

Remarks by Polly Dunford, USAID Mission Director, National AIDS Spending Assessment Dissemination
May 9, 2017

The National AIDS Spending Assessment, known as NASA, is a very important study that provides data on the actual spending in the country for HIV/AIDS in a year from all sources. While I will not give away the very interesting findings that will be presented by the investigators, I do want to talk about domestic resources and the move towards sustained epidemic elimination in Cambodia.

United States announces new contribution to help preserve  Cambodia’s historical documents
April 3, 2017

The U.S. government announced $5.8 million in additional endowment support to the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) that will boost the sustainability of the organization and its efforts to promote national peace and reconciliation through the preservation (both physically and digitally) of Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge-era historical records.
