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Speeches Shim

USAID/Macedonia Country Representative David Atteberry and Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia Zoran Zaev giving remarks at the forum
April 25, 2018

Today, April 25, 2018, USAID’s Partnership for Better Business Regulation Project hosted a forum encouraging investments for a long-term economic development at Aleksandar Palace Hotel, Skopje.

It was the eleventh in a series of events organized by the project to strengthen dialogue between the business community and public institutions on issues relating to regulatory compliance by companies in Macedonia.

April 24, 2018

USAID hosted a leadership conference on Macedonia’s Journey from Development to Self-Reliance. 

USAID Hosts Leadership Conference for the Youth of Macedonia
March 30, 2018

Today, March 30, 2018, USAID hosted a leadership conference on Macedonia’s Journey from Development to Self-Reliance, at MKC in Skopje. The half-day conference included inspirational talks by some of the best and brightest of Macedonia’s young talent, articulating their personal stories of success, and a panel discussion on “What does it take to be successful in Macedonia?”. The event wrapped up USAID’s commemoration of its 25 year anniversary in Macedonia.

Factoring Project
March 27, 2018

USAID’s Factoring project, in collaboration with the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, conducted the first conference on Factoring as a Financial Solution that Enables SMEs’ Growth at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, Skopje.

March 20, 2018

USAID/Macedonia Country Representative David Atteberry was interviewed in a local monthly magazine Economy and Business on our 25 year anniversary in Macedonia, and the work the Agency has been doing to support economic growth and prosperity, and strengthen democratic values and institutions in the country. Read the entire interview on this link:
