Our Stories | Kosovo

Speeches Shim

May 3, 2019

For many years, Kosovo’s citizens suffered from the absence of an effective and inclusive property rights framework. Difficult access to and unclear property titles, differing legal practices, and protracted court procedures discouraged domestic and foreign investment. Women often did not register their property under their names, and long-held societal norms encouraged them to renounce their inheritance in favor of male heirs.

April 19, 2019

A newly upgraded website for the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) indicates the importance of fostering accountability and transparency in Kosovo’s court system.  The KJC presented the new website to members of the judiciary, civil society, media, and international partners at the official launch event on April 19th.  It features a simplified, more intuitive user interface; greater accessibility on desktop, tablet, and mobile platforms; and new features including advanced search features for published case decisions.

April 19, 2019

Design challenge, an event that engaged schools from all over Kosovo to present their Educational Technology skills, concluded on April 19. The closing ceremony brought together the students of the winning schools to Pristina to present their work and the winning projects. USAID through After School Support for Teens in partnership with IPKO Foundation and Government of Kosovo offered a variety of support to schools through educational equipment to help them design and present their work.

April 19, 2019

For Besnik Krasniqi an investigative journalist for Koha Ditore, a major daily paper, accessing documents necessary to write on procurement contracts meant waiting for days if not months.  Without ready access to these public documents, he struggled to gather sufficient evidence to report on the linkages between public funds and private interests.

April 19, 2019

Viti continues to pioneer access to property documents for citizens, initially with the instalment of the e-kiosks and recently with the refurbished facility for cadastral archives. As of last week, Viti became the first municipality in Kosovo to create environmentally safe municipal cadastral record archive, which is fully fire and humidity protected.
