Speeches Shim

When giving birth, millions of women in Kenya come as close to meeting death as they do life. Home deliveries, where traditional midwives are often ill-equipped to detect or manage emergencies in time, can easily turn tragic and are a major contributor to maternal and child deaths. Devolution is changing this scenario for women in the far reaches of Kenya
Leading Kenyan environmentalists, government officials, and international donors gathered in Narok yesterday for World Wildlife Day 2016. This year’s theme, “The Future of Wildlife is in Our Hands,” is particularly appropriate to Kenya, which remains a critical front in the effort to stop the global illegal trade in wildlife.
President Obama has made trade agenda a key priority of his Middle Class Economics strategy because Made-in-America exports are an invaluable source of economic growth, supporting millions of well-paying jobs across the United States. Cutting edge trade agreements that put U.S. workers and businesses first are one of the best tools we have to unlock economic opportunity for Americans.
New Markets will Increase Demand for Livestock Goods and Services, and Boost Economic Growth
USAID is working with the Government of Kenya, at all levels, to build a strong health system responsive to the needs of individuals, families, and communities. These efforts include procuring essential medical commodities, improving supply chains, setting up information systems, and developing innovative fi nancing mechanisms to improve the well-being of Kenyans.
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