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USAID’s Global Development Alliance (GDA) Annual Program Statement (APS) helps the private sector and USAID work together to leverage and advance core business interests to achieve greater development impact.
An Invitation to Co-Creation
The Global Development Alliance (GDA) Annual Program Statement (APS) is an invitation for prospective private sector partners to collaborate with USAID to help advance market solutions that foster business success and achieve sustained development impact in emerging markets. It is designed to help USAID, the private sector, and other interested organizations to discover our respective value propositions and apply them in ways that achieve core business objectives and drive greater development impact. The GDA APS is one of several approaches that USAID uses to work with the private sector.
This co-creation and partnering opportunity provides a structure and process for USAID and the private sector to identify shared interests and co-create market-based development approaches that drive valuable business and development results in a sustainable manner.
Through a co-creation process, USAID, private sector partners, and other respective organizations can build Global Development Alliances (GDAs) that achieve:
- Private sector-led growth and development.
- Core business interests and objectives.
- USAID’s strategic priorities and objectives.
- Sustainable development results.
Getting Started
The most promising partnerships emerge from direct consultations between USAID and the private sector and a rich understanding of private sector interests and USAID development objectives.
To get started, please contact the Private Sector Engagement Point of Contact in your country of interest. We also recommended reading Sections I-III of the GDA APS.
Learn more about the GDA co-creation process
Addenda: Additional GDA APS Opportunities
The GDA Annual Program Statement is a general solicitation for GDA concept submissions. Private sector partners are free to explore GDA concepts at any time with any Mission, Bureau, or Independent Office (MBIO) at USAID. In addition, select MBIOs may use the GDA APS to issue a more specific call for particular types of GDAs to address select priorities or objectives. These more specific calls are known as Addenda.
Click here for additional information regarding addenda.
More Information
To learn more about the GDA APS, please see the Partner and Applicant Resources and contact gda@usaid.gov.
The GDA APS is just one of many ways the private sector can work with USAID. To explore other opportunities and solicitations, visit www.grants.gov and https://fbohome.sam.gov/ or reach out to the relevant USAID Mission via the Private Sector Engagement Points of Contact. See the Agency’s Private Sector Engagement page for more information on how to work with USAID.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.