Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance Bureau’s (DCHA) New Partnerships Initiative Annual Program Statement

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USAID/DCHA’s New Partnerships Initiative: Conflict Prevention and Recovery Program (NPI:CPRP) Annual Program Statement (APS) helps USAID partner with new and underutilized partners in contexts at risk of, or recovering from, conflict to advance USAID’s strategic objectives and achieve sustainable development impact.

An Invitation to Expand USAID’s Partner Base and Implement Co-Designed Programs

The NPI:CPRP APS invites development partners, particularly those with little to no experience working with USAID, to work alongside USAID in identifying the challenges facing their communities and designing appropriate interventions to prevent the emergence of conflict or support sustainable peace. As part of the award process, USAID seeks to co-define the development problem, co-identify the opportunities for development intervention, and co-design the program to achieve impact .

The NPI:CPRP APS is an unfunded mechanism. Funding will come from Missions via addenda (links below). Please do not submit any concept notes or requests for funding in response to this APS. All funding requests must be sent to the designated point of contact in an active addenda (see below for a list of active addenda).

A Commitment to Improving the Capacity of New and Underutilized Partners

The NPI:CPRP APS provides a process through which USAID and traditional partners can improve the capacity of new and underutilized partners. Through a “mentorship” award process, where traditional partners are the prime awardee with sub-awards to new and underutilized partners, traditional partners can play an important role in helping new and underutilized partners achieve development impact while improving their ability to become the USAID partners in the future. To ensure maximum learning for the new and underutilized partner, the prime partner is prohibited from directly assisting project beneficiaries.

A Commitment to Leveraging Private Funding

USAID also recognizes the role of private funding is increasingly important in catalyzing effective responses, even in environments at risk of, or recovering from violence and conflict. In terms of sheer volume, private contributions to U.S. non-governmental organizations (NGOs) total $15.4 billion annually, as compared to $33.1 billion in official U.S. development assistance during the same period. While USAID has made progress expanding public-private partnerships, much of that effort has focused on partnering with traditional for-profit enterprises, without sufficient attention to attracting U.S. NGOs that function as both implementers and fundraisers. In many cases, those organizations bring significant resources to bear on conflict-vulnerable environments - financial, technical, and reputational - and represent important opportunities for effective partnerships.  

Getting Started

The best way for prospective partners to get started is to reach out to the USAID office with which you want to partner, and read the NPI:CPRP APS.

Please note the closing date for the Annual Program Statement (APS) is April 21, 2020


USAID/Indonesia Addendum: Peace Building and Tolerance Promotion (PBTP) Program

USAID/Iraq Addendum: Locally Sourced Solutions for Community Resilience (LSSCR)

USAID/Bangladesh Addendum: Cox's Bazar Conflict Prevention and Community Resilience Program

Global Development Lab: Global Partnerships Advance Conflict Transformation (GPACT)

Additional Information

To learn more about the NPI:CPRP APS, please contact

To learn more about the New Partnerships Initiative, please visit our webpage.