Speeches Shim
USAID’s Strengthening Media Systems project (SMS) is a four-year, $6.5 million activity that supports increased media independence by enhancing the financial sustainability of Serbian media. SMS is helping Serbian media system actors, by improving the business enabling environment in media.
Changes in the way information is generated and disseminated offer new opportunities and challenges for consumers of that information. The purpose of the Media Initiatives and Partnerships Support program is to help Serbian citizens to safely and smartly navigate a complex media and information landscape to become better informed and thus more capable of effectively participating in modern economic, social and political life. The Program raises citizens’ understanding and knowledge about key concepts, skills and issues relevant to media digital and information literacy.

Pančevo -- Through a partnership between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Pančevo District Heating Plant and City Administration, the heating and hot water system at Pančevo General Hospital is now fully functional.
USAID’s Women Entrepreneurs and Startup Founders Initiative (WE Founders) Initiative is a three-year, $1.2 million activity which builds competence, leadership, and influence of women entrepreneurs and gender-diverse startups. WE Founders Initiative increases the economic impact of women-led startups by strengthening their growth and access to new and alternate sources of investments.
The USAID Serbia Energy Efficiency Activity (SEEA) is a two-year, $1.1 million activity intended to reduce gas fuel consumption and dependency on imported fuel through improved energy efficiency in the provision of heating at the local level. SEEA aims to improve the efficiency of Serbian district heating systems by decreasing the amount of fuel required to meet consumers’ heating needs.
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