Our Stories | Serbia

Speeches Shim

July 2, 2020

On March 15, when Serbia declared a state of emergency and imposed curfews and a lock-down for the elderly to halt the spread of COVID-19, many vulnerable people were largely unprepared for the lengthy period of isolation that was to follow.  

April 27, 2020

Many countries around the world are struggling in the pandemic to conduct banking and commerce – the exchange of money and buying critical necessities. Serbia has risen as an example of how early USAID interventions are helping improve resilience in crises.

In Serbia, COVID-19 has led to mandatory lock down periods and long lines extending out the door at groceries as people struggle to get basic supplies while following social distancing guidelines.

April 15, 2020

While Serbia's government was rapidly mobilizing to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, Serbia’s Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) began looking for areas where they could contribute to help their communities.

Face masks for medical personnel, food and hygiene kits for homeless and other vulnerable groups as well as food for pets were all identified as urgent needs.

The one catch was that most CSOs in Serbia do not have massive cash reserves to dip into during difficult times like these.

July 18, 2019

The Serbian Constitution guarantees Serbian citizens the right to a trial within a reasonable amount of time. This right has also been guaranteed to Serbian citizens at the international level since 2004, when Serbia became a member of the Council of Europe and a signatory to the European Convention of Human Rights.  Since this time, Serbian citizens have also had the possibility to file a complaint related to violations of their right to trial in a reasonable time against the Serbian Government in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

April 2, 2019

Happy Honey, the producer of high-quality, flavored, raw honey, is the first Serbian food brand to be sold in hundreds of Cost Plus World Market (World Market) stores across the United States.

With the support of USAID, Happy Honey and other Serbian premium food producers attended the 2018 Fancy Food Show in New York, where they met international distributors and buyers.
