Power Africa Quarterly Newsletter: November 2015

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The Coordinator's Corner: Notes from the Field

What an exciting time to be working on clean energy in Africa! Just this month, we’ve seen news that, for the first time ever, an entire continent could power its economic development with renewable energy, not fossil fuels. Then, the new Climatescope report revealed that sub-Saharan countries have attracted over $25 billion for renewable energy projects to date, doubling their renewable energy capacity in 2014 to over 4 gigawatts. Leaders across Africa are calling for more investment in clean energy, and Power Africa is working with them to make it happen.

With the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 21) starting now, we can feel good about the investments in renewable technologies Power Africa has facilitated throughout the continent. But we also know there’s more work to be done to achieve Africa’s transition toward thriving, low-carbon economies.

In the past few weeks, Power Africa and our partners made great progress towards these goals.
> Click here to see what’s happened in the last month...


Getting Gas & Hydro Power Flowing in Tanzania

Behind every power project, whether it’s a giant wind farm or an off-grid solar installation, is a business deal. Before switches are flipped at power plants or on kitchen walls, developers, governments and investors must dot i’s and cross t’s on complex legal agreements. In sub-Saharan Africa, this challenge has often prevented power projects from being built. But Power Africa is helping our partner countries remove roadblocks and get deals done, including two recent and important transactions in Tanzania.
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Lighting Africa, Off the Grid

Nearly 600 million people in Africa lack access to electricity, missing out on the transformative impacts reliable energy provides. Yet fruitlessly waiting for the grid to reach the most rural areas where so many of the energy poor live is not the only answer. Modern, high-quality off-grid products can sustainably meet the lighting – and increasingly the energy – needs of those not connected to the grid.

Power Africa partner Lighting Africa, an initiative of the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC), is making connections off the grid.
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Mobisol Reaches New Milestone in Building a Brighter Africa

MPower technician installing solar panelsFor millions across sub-Saharan Africa, the bright, sunny days lead only to dark, dangerous nights. With limited or no access to electricity, many families and businesses not only lose productivity at night, but security as well. In Rwanda and Tanzania, however, Power Africa partner Mobisol is rapidly changing this situation, and improving thousands of lives.
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Climatescope Report Reveals Increased Investment in Renewables

In 2014, developing nations eclipsed the world’s wealthiest countries, attracting more clean energy investment and building more wind, solar and other renewable power generation than ever before. But as the new Climatescope report reveals, African countries could attract even more investment if they push for speedy regulatory and financial reform.
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Power Africa in the News

In Read the latest global media coverage of Power Africa and partners. > More


African Energy News

Get access to the latest news about the African energy sector. > More


Power Africa at COP 21

Join Power Africa and partners atCOP 21 in Paris


Annual Report

Power Africa‘s Annual Report highlights the progress made in the second year, lessons learned, and the roadmap to a brighter African future.
> Download the Report

Power Africa Toolbox

Power Africa's Toolbox, now online, provides the resources needed to unlock the power and opportunity of sub‑Saharan Africa.
> View the Full Toolbox

Power Africa Photo Gallery

Power Africa's growing photo gallery, with entries from our recent photo contest, features the work of our partners across sub-Saharan Africa.
Explore the Gallery