Flag of Peru


Speeches Shim

March 10, 2020

Carta de Referencia

January 13, 2020

USAID Deputy Administrator for Latin America, Steve Olive, accompanied by USAID/Peru Director Jene Thomas, and other agency officials, served hot lunch to children within the framework of the USAID/OFDA project with World Vision Peru to reduce the vulnerability of Venezuelan migrants and Peruvians.

January 10, 2020

La región amazónica alberga un tercio de las especies de plantas y animales conocidos en el mundo —muchos de los cuales no se encuentran en ningún otro lugar del mundo—, y también aloja el sistema de ríos más grande del mundo, que representa el 15% del agua dulce que alimenta a los océanos de todo el mundo. El aumento del desarrollo económico y la extracción insostenible en la Amazonía está llevando a la sobreexplotación, contaminación y degradación de los preciosos recursos de la Amazonía.

January 9, 2020

The Amazon Region hosts one third of the world’s known species of plants and animals – many of which do not occur anywhere else on earth – and is home to the largest river system in the world, representing 15% of the freshwater feeding the oceans worldwide. Increasing economic development and unsustainable extraction in the Amazon is leading to the over-exploitation, contamination and degradation of the Amazon’s precious resources.


October 22, 2019

USAID Peru Mission Director, Jene Thomas, participated in the event: And what are you doing for Peru? that our partner IDEA International organized to celebrate the completion of the "Citizen Commitment in Clean Elections" project. 
