Flag of Peru


Speeches Shim

October 11, 2019

Jene Thomas, USAID/Peru Mission Director accompanied with his technical team, made a trip to Puerto Maldonado in Madre de Dios to visit and see the progress in the implementation of USAID activities in the region.

September 6, 2019

Las instituciones gubernamentales eficaces que representan los intereses de todos los ciudadanos son esenciales para el crecimiento económico y la prosperidad. Sin embargo, hoy la corrupción representa una amenaza para los avances socioeconómicos que el país ha logrado y para la estabilidad del Perú en la región.

September 6, 2019

Effective government institutions that represent the interests of all citizens are essential for economic growth and prosperity. However, today corruption creates a threat to the socio-economic gains the country has achieved to date and to Peru’s stability in the region. Responding to the persistent growth of illicit activity and increasing citizen discontent, USAID works with government authorities, civil society institutions, private sector and individuals to strengthen the integrity of key government processes to reduce corruption.


September 4, 2019

La extracción ilegal de oro involucra procesos destructivos que devastan las comunidades amazónicas, sus bosques y sus ecosistemas. USAID trabaja con el Gobierno del Perú, comunidades locales, empresas privadas, instituciones de investigación peruanas y universidades de los Estados Unidos para ayudar a enfrentar esta amenaza a la Amazonía. Los EE. UU. y el Perú firmaron un Memorando de Entendimiento el 2017 para combatir la extracción ilegal de oro, una demostración de nuestra sólida colaboración en prioridades compartidas.


September 4, 2019

The illegal extraction of gold involves destructive processes that devastate the Amazonian communities, their forests and their ecosystems. USAID works together with Government of Peru, local communities, Peruvian research organizations, private companies, and U.S. universities to address the threat of mining to the Amazon. The United States and Peru signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2017 to combat illegal gold mining, the first of its kind, and a demonstration of our strong bilateral partnership on shared priorities.

