Speeches Shim

USAID partner with Socios en Salud, the Peruvian affiliate of the U.S. non-profit organization Partners in Health, responds to COVID-19 in Peru.
This Alliance supports aggressive contact tracing, community mobilization, and systematic screening and isolation to prevent community spread of COVID-19. The $3.83 million investment from USAID mobilizes additional $1 million from Boston-based Partners in Health.
USAID partner with Socios en Salud, the Peruvian affiliate of the U.S. non-profit organization Partners in Health, responds to COVID-19 in Peru.
This Alliance supports aggressive contact tracing, community mobilization, and systematic screening and isolation to prevent community spread of COVID-19. The $3.83 million investment from USAID mobilizes additional $1 million from Boston-based Partners in Health.

As of November 2020, the U.S. Government has allocated more than $30.3 million in new resources to assist Peru in its emergency response to COVID-19. The aid continues a strong history of investing in Peru’s health care systems and long-term development, mainly through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Ongoing U.S. Government-funded programs and partners are also adapting activities to respond to this unprecedented crisis. Over the last 20 years, U.S. assistance to Peru totals more than $3.5 billion, including $265 million in the health sector. Emergency assistance comes from USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, the Department of Defense Humanitarian Assistance Program, and the Department of State’s Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance fund.
A Noviembre 2020, el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos ha asignado más de 30.3 millones de dólares para ayudar al Perú en su respuesta de emergencia para enfrentar al COVID-19. Esta asistencia es reflejo de una sólida historia de inversión en los sistemas de atención médica y el desarrollo del Perú a largo plazo, principalmente realizados a través de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID).
Las instituciones y programas que actualmente son financiadas por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos también están adaptando sus actividades para responder a esta crisis sin precedentes. En los últimos 20 años, la asistencia de los Estados Unidos al Perú asciende a más de 3.5 mil millones de dólares, de los cuales 265 millones fueron destinados al sector salud. La asistencia de emergencia proviene de la Oficina de Asistencia Humanitaria de USAID, el Programa de Asistencia Humanitaria del Departamento de Defensa y de la Oficina de Población, Refugiados y Migración del Departamento de Estado.

The United States through USAID increased its aid to Peru by US$65 million in September 2020 to make progress on the bilateral agenda's priority issues, such as the social and economic development of communities in the Peruvian Amazon, the sustainable management of natural resources, as well as the fight against environmental crime and corruption.
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