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Speeches Shim

Studens performance at the close out event
March 15, 2017

Promoting Interethnic Integration Throughout Macedonia: On March 15, 2017, over 1,200 teachers, parents, students, school administrators, municipal leaders, and Ministry of Education officials from all corners of Macedonia celebrated the accomplishments of USAID's Interethnic Integration in Education Project (IIEP), a five year initiative that is coming to a close. The project reached all of Macedonia's 430+ primary and secondary schools, establishing nearly 400 partnerships between schools of different languages of instruction; training over 20,000 teachers to engage with diversity; and reaching tens of thousands of students through school- or community-level activities contributing to better interethnic understanding. In addition, 63 schools were renovated with the funding from the U.S. European Command, leveraged with the Ministry of Education and municipalities' resources, benefiting 46,000 students and 5,000 teachers across the country. While ethnic integration requires an ongoing effort, the massive engagement and support for IIEP's activities proved that ethnic integration is both needed and possible

Third International Climate Change Conference
February 3, 2017

More than 150 participants, including national and international experts, decision-makers, civil society organizations from the country and the region, scientists and practitioners in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation, experts on sustainable development and representatives from the private sector came together today to agree a collective way forward on how to tackle climate change at the Third International Climate Change Conference in Skopje.

ISO 9001:2015 Certification
January 26, 2017

On January 26, 2017, six judicial institutions were awarded certificates in the quality standard ISO 9001:2015 under the USAID Organizational Performance Improvement Program.

Quality Standard ISO 9001:2015
January 26, 2017

On January 26, 2017, six judicial institutions were awarded certificates in the quality standard ISO 9001:2015 under the USAID Organizational Performance Improvement Program. The Judicial Council of the Republic of Macedonia, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia, and the four appellate courts in Skopje, Stip, Bitola, and Gostivar not only represent the first judicial institutions certified in this quality management standard, but also represent first public institutions in the country that are certified in the latest version of this standard.

Construction of a New Sewage System
January 25, 2017

USAID’s Mission Director, Mr. James Stein, joined the community in Delcevo to celebrate the completion of a measure to decrease the risk of urban flooding in Milkovo Brdo.
