Speeches Shim
The EE Development Credit Authority facility supports private enterprises, municipalities and energy service companies implementing energy efficiency projects on behalf of the municipalities and residential households. With this DCA, private enterprises, residential household borrowers and municipalities can finance the acquisition of new energy efficient machinery and equipment, introduction of energy management systems and other energy savings improvements, as well as renewable energy projects.
Loan portfolio guarantee program: A 12-year, $10 million facility through which USAID provides a 50 percent partial guarantee of the loan amounts, thus sharing the risk with partner banks. It includes a disbursement period of 10 years and maximum loan term of 5 years.
The DCA mobilizes private financing for investment in energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy projects. It offers a risk sharing mechanism to potential lenders interested in supporting the development of this market. In addition, it is aimed to encourage establishment and development of the market for energy service companies (ESCOs) that may be in position to implement energy efficiency projects on behalf of private enterprises or municipalities, especially those unable to borrow, as well as households under energy performance contracts, which allow them to be repaid through the resulting energy savings.
To date, one loan has been issued: $635,000 to the Municipality of Karposh in July 2008, for applying energy efficiency measures during the completion of the Jan Amos Komenski Primary School. Meanwhile, USAID engaged in broadening the criteria for eligible borrowers and, since August 2011, this facility can be used by micro, small and medium companies willing to reduce their energy costs by investing in energy efficiency upgrades. This facility will also support the beneficiary companies of the Industrial Management Project whose objective is to improve small and medium enterprise competitiveness by introduction and adoption of energy management systems and practices in line with the recently introduced ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard.
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