Speeches Shim
With one of the highest rates of internet penetration in Europe, ICT is an area with significant potential, and one of the fastest growing sectors in Kosovo’s economy. USAID is helping Kosovo to build a new cadre of leaders and entrepreneurs to meet this emerging market demand. On September 24, USAID’s local partner Cacttus Education celebrated the graduation of young scholars completing the organization's two-year ICT program (20 students) and their short-term training program (30 students).
USAID/Kosovo’s rule of law activities include a strong focus on mentoring and professional development with the goal of inspiring participants to seek more active leadership roles in their fields. The programs provide underrepresented groups, like women and youth, the opportunity to both gain practical skills and form strategic relationships. USAID/Kosovo’s Deputy Mission Director, Zeinah Salahi, joined two of these sessions to offer her own perspectives and experiences with young interns and with female judges. During the meetings, Ms.
The private sector in Kosovo is taking the lead in exploring innovative and market-based solutions, while providing professional opportunities for students. Busulla, an online career guidance platform, is one of the first private sector innovations mainstreamed into Kosovo’s education system. Under the leadership of Sovran Berisha, a U.S.
On October 27, the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC), with the support of the USAID Justice System Strengthening Program, launched the case status lookup tool, a new feature on the KJC website that allows citizens to learn about their case status with a quick click. This milestone is another success enabling all parties in court proceedings to easily and quickly access information including both the current status and previous actions on their case.
While most of the country was staying home in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kosovo government institutions could effectively provide goods and services to citizens thanks to the electronic procurement (e-procurement) platform. Developed with the support of USAID’s Transparent, Effective, and Accountable Municipalities activity, e-procurement allows all public institutions to conduct procurement activities online, from drafting the tender dossiers and publishing calls for application, to bid applications, bid evaluation, bid protests, and the signing of contracts.
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