Speeches Shim

Over the past 20 years, while rural communities have increased connectivity and access to mobile technology, the elephant population has significantly decreased, and these wonderful creatures’ future is now dire.

For as long as she can remember, Mildred Wanjala, 25, was determined to excel. As a primary school pupil in Kenya’s Bungoma County, she dreamed of becoming a teacher, but her responsibilities as the first born of seven presented another, even greater, responsibility: helping to provide for her younger siblings.

In Samburu County in northern Kenya, Josephine Lempirikany, a 50-year-old mother of six, remembers when food distributions were unreliable. Her family went hungry and she was unable to pay her children’s secondary school fees because she spent all her income on what food she could afford. But now, they have a consistent supply of food and her children are healthier and able to stay in school.

July 2016—“No words can describe how it feels to see pupils who could hardly read become fluent readers,” explains Ibrahim Dakane, a teacher from Wajir County, in the mostly arid and semi-arid areas of northern Kenya. The lowest literacy rates persist in communities largely inhabited by nomadic people.

Dairy farmers from the Siongiroi Dairy Farmers Cooperative in Kenya are enjoying increased profits after adopting a mobile app that helps them get better value for their milk. It also helps them generate more income and gain better access to financial services and animal health products and services.
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