How to Program Digital Tools into Agriculture Programs

Speeches Shim

Digital technology has enormous potential to improve food security in Feed the Future countries and around the world. The purpose of this toolkit is to demonstrate the importance of digital tools in agriculture. It will give a brief overview of the digital tools that are currently being used in the field by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Missions and implementers and resources for those attempting to implement digital tools in their programs. This programming toolkit was created by the Digital Development for Feed the Future (D2FTF) team, which is a collaboration between the U.S. Global Development Lab (the Lab) and the Bureau for Food Security (BFS) at USAID. Launched in September 2015, D2FTF is a three year partnership aimed at integrating digital tools and approaches into the Feed the Future portfolio. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - 5:30pm