Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Latest News

Speeches Shim


Read the latest news of how the United States Agency for International Development is responding to COVID-19.


August 4, 2020

While health pandemics test healthcare systems, the economy, and our resilience, youth in Kenyan counties are rising to the challenge. Youth complement the incredible work of healthcare practitioners in preventing, creating awareness about, and managing the virus. In Bungoma, Garissa, Kericho, Kisii, Kwale, Migori, Nairobi, Nyeri and West Pokot counties, USAID supported youth through the Kenya Youth Employment and Skills (K-YES) program to respond to the COVID-19 crisis in their communities.

July 31, 2020

On July 21-22, USAID’s Improving Access, Curriculum and Teaching in Medical Education and Emerging Diseases (IMPACT-MED) Alliance trained 30 provincial and district healthcare workers (7 male, 23 female) in Cao Bang province to enhance their IPC capacity. The training provided an opportunity for health workers in the province to learn about the latest information about COVID-19 in Vietnam and around the world, as well as the current Ministry of Health guidelines on surveillance, treatment, and diagnosis of COVID-19 cases. The training was followed by a technical assistance visit to Cao Bang Provincial General Hospital on July 23 to review the hospital’s preparedness activities including screening, quarantine, disinfection, and personal protective equipment’s stockpile and use.

COVID Response
July 30, 2020

In partnership, Pakistan’s National Disaster Management Authority and the United States Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), are working together to fight COVID-19 by contributing a second shipment of 100 respiratory ventilators. 

July 30, 2020

Looking long term, we understand that COVID-19 will continue to have multiple effects in the months and years ahead.  We remain committed to working with governments, civil society, faith-based organizations, academia, and the private sector in our African partner countries through this pandemic, now and into the future.  No other nation can match our unparalleled generosity, our open, collaborative approach, or our long-term commitment to helping communities on their Journey to Self-Reliance.  At the same time, other countries need to do their fair share, and USAID is working with the Department of State to increase burden sharing by other donor countries. 

July 29, 2020

By March, 2020 Vietnam had confirmed its first 100 cases of a novel coronavirus outbreak. Amidst uncertainties surrounding what would become a world-shaking pandemic, the country initiated decisive lockdown and social distancing procedures for businesses and schools alike, a disorienting, confusing period during which students struggled to adapt to online-only education and societal uncertainties. Some students still sought to go beyond their online studies by launching initiatives with the potential for positive impact, such as Ms. Phan Thuc Anh.

