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Speeches Shim

USAID’s Center for Innovation and Impact (CII) is happy to share our 2018 Impact Brief [PDF, 2.2MB], which features an overview of our work and progress to date. As always, we remain steadfast in our belief in the roles that innovation and business-minded thinking play in meeting our shared global health goals. None of this work would be possible without our partners – both within the Agency and beyond.
Please take a look and reach out to explore collaborations or to give us feedback on how we can improve and/or amplify our work.
Thank you!
While women demand equity in health care throughout their lives, there is no other milestone as poignantly deserving as the moment when a woman becomes a mother. In honor of International Women's Day, Saving Lives at Birth reflected on how innovators like Massachusetts General Hospital, Open Development and Bempu can help us achieve gender parity in health outcomes for mothers and their babies. Check out the Medium piece here.
In honor of women's history month, CII published a five-part blog series on female innovators from the Fighting Ebola and Combating Zika and Future Threats Grand Challenge portfolios. The featured innovators include Beth Kolko from Shift Labs, Molly Scheel from Indiana University, Katherine Jin from Kinnos, Rusty Low from the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), and Sharmila Anandasabapathy from Baylor College of Medicine. To read the profiles and learn more about women innovators who are trying to tackle some of the most pressing health challenges, visit the Agency's Medium page.
Disease and Vector Surveillance Workshop
This month, CII hosted a two-day Surveillance Workshop in San Francisco, with support from the Boston Consulting Group. On the first day, nine Combating Zika and Future Threats Grand Challenge disease and vector surveillance innovators discussed shared challenges, refined opportunities to collaborate and worked to define the characteristics of a “game changing” surveillance platform of tomorrow. On the second day, innovators were joined by private sector companies and foundations, including the Skoll Global Threats Fund, Vulcan, Microsoft, Orange and Verily. Each organization shared their ongoing efforts in surveillance, and together, they ideated on the future state of surveillance and models for collaboration.
The development finance landscape is shifting, where private sector resources are on the rise. There is a $2.5 trillion funding gap to reach our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2030, and now is the time for the public and private sector to team up and unlock private capital to achieve these SDGs. Read how the Agency and other donors are doing just that.
April 14 – 15, 2018
Global Health & Innovation Conference
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
April 15 – 18, 2018
GSK/Kellogg/USAID Global Health Case Competition
GlaxoSmithKline, London, U.K.
April 17, 2018
International Women’s Health Coalition 2018 Annual Dinner
IWHC, New York, NY
June 13 –14, 2018
Global Health Transitions and Sustainable Solutions: The Role of Partnerships
The National Academies, Washington, D.C..
BMJ Global Health
Proactive Community Case Management and Child Survival in Periurban Mali
Financial Times
Young Asians Pursue Impact Investing that Makes Profit at Home
Stanford Social Innovation Review
Human-centered, Systems-minded Design
University of Liverpool
Collaboration Seeks Development Partner for HIV Nanomedicines to Improve Treatment Access
March 22, 2018
PR Newswire
Speak Up Africa New York Announces New Name: The Access Challenge and New Policy Campaign Aimed at Achieving Universal Health Access
March 1, 2018
Launch of Women Connect Challenge
March 8, 2018
The Vaginal Ring: Higher Adherence and Better Effectiveness Seen in Open-label Ring Studies
March 8, 2018
Deadline Extended: Call for Innovative Direct-to-Consumer Approaches for Adolescents
March 16, 2018
Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management featuring CII’s Nikki Tyler
Kellogg Announces 2018 Youn Impact Scholars
March 26, 2018
Live Science
Why Scientists Are Rushing to Hunt Down 1.7M Unknown Viruses
February 23, 2018
Harvard Business Review featuring SL@B grantee
Putting Humans at the Center of Health Care Innovation
March 2, 2018
Science News
Global Virome Project Is Hunting for More than 1M Unknown Viruses
February 22, 2018
JSI featuring SL@B
Journey to Scale: Bringing a Lifesaving Commodity to Newborns Across Nepal
March 1, 2018
IR Insider
Global Virome Project Set to Launch in 2018
February 26, 2018
Daily Mail
Scientists Launch a 10-year, $7B Project to Uncover Unknown Viruses after Admitting Just 260 of the Earth’s 1.7M Pathogens Have Been Identified
February 26, 2018
Researchers Want to Hunt Unknown Viruses before They Cause the Next Pandemic
February 23, 2018
Inside Science
The Virome Project Aims to Prepare before the Next Pandemic
February 22, 2018
Rebecca Richards-Kortum
from Rice360° Institute for Global Health
“Rice 360° has worked closely with USAID through Saving Lives at Birth [SL@B] since the first round of the program …. We are excited that many technologies in the Newborn Essential Solutions and Technologies [NEST] package, both those developed by our group and those developed by other groups, have been supported by Saving Lives at Birth.”
Dr. Richards-Kortum was named one of Fortune's World's Greatest Leaders in 2017.
Read the full interview [PDF, 125KB].
USAID's Center for Innovation and Impact (CII) takes a business-minded approach to fast-tracking the development, introduction and scale-up of health interventions that address the world's most important health challenges. CII invests seed capital in the most promising ideas and novel approaches, using forward-looking business practices to cut the time it takes to transform discoveries in the lab to impact on the ground.
Photo credit: Ilyse Stempler, Open Development
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