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Speeches Shim

Introducing USAID CII's Innovation Realized: Expanding the Path to Health Impact. This guide builds on successes and lays out practical ways that USAID staff can identify opportunities to apply innovation to solve real problems in the context of how we work, as well as to further innovation across the Agency. Though this guide is primarily intended for USAID staff, it can serve as an adaptable resource for other organizations. Innovation Realized: 1) defines innovation and dispels common myths; 2) presents a case for innovation in global health at USAID; 3) provides common innovation opportunities; and 4) shares examples and resources to start the innovation process. This resource has been co-developed with input from colleagues in the field and across health offices, capturing best practices and examples of innovation in global health. Read the guide.
Innovative Financing
CII helped convene a $50 million partnership between Merck for Mothers, OPIC, Credit Suisse and USAID called the Financing for MOMs (Maternal Outcomes Matters) Alliance, which was announced at the Women Deliver conference on Tuesday, June 4th. The Alliance aims to mobilize private capital to improve maternal and child health by strengthening and expanding infrastructure, services, and access to care in Sub-Saharan Africa. USAID will be providing technical assistance as its contribution. The collaboration will help more women receive high quality care to ensure a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery, and lay the foundation for lifelong good health. Read the press release.
USAID CII and the UBS Optimus Foundation co-hosted an event at UBS Offices in New York City for a conversation with key stakeholders on best practices in innovative financing for global health and development. The panel of experts discussed the role of private capital and impact investing in development, provided examples of how these approaches are being applied currently, and looked to the future to see what new innovative financing approaches are being considered to achieve development goals. Amy Lin and Omer Imtiazuddin from CII highlighted USAID's Private Sector Engagement Strategy as well as the recently launched CII report: Unleashing Private Capital for Global Health Innovation: Innovator and Investor Support Opportunities.
Project Last Mile 2019 Impact Report [PDF, 3.7MB]
Project Last Mile (PLM) just released their 2019 impact report. PLM is a pioneering cross-sector partnership between the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Coca-Cola Company and its Foundation that is improving the availability of life-saving medicines and the uptake of health services in Africa by sharing the expertise of the Coca-Cola system. For example, PLM has optimized delivery routes for over 3,500 health facilities in Tanzania and Mozambique, and developed proactive maintenance and repair systems for over 392 refrigeration units in Lagos, Nigeria. Read the report [PDF, 3.7MB].
GES Panel: Efforts to Create Innovation-focused Health Economies
This month Amy Lin moderated a panel at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in the Hague that featured HHS Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan, Royal Philips CEO Frans van Houten and the Netherlands Minister of Health Erik Gerritsen. The discussion focused on enabling factors and the role of government and the private sector in building innovation-focused health economies.

June 20-29, 2019
Aspen Ideas Festival
Aspen Institute, Aspen, Colorado
July 21-24, 2019
10th IAS Conference on HIV Science
International AIDS Society, Mexico City, Mexico
July 10-11, 2019
Health & Humanitarian Logistics Conference
University of Rwanda Regional Centre of Excellence, Kigali, Rwanda
Million Lives Club
Launch of the Million Lives Club
June 5, 2019
R2HC Annual Funding Call
Due: July 16, 2019
WHO Weighs Declaring Global Health Emergency as Ebola Spreads in Africa
June 13, 2019
The Ebola Fund
June 12, 2019
The New York Times
Depo-Provera, an Injectable Contraceptive, does not Raise HIV Risk
June 13, 2019
Integrated Health Program will Help Save Lives of Vulnerable Nigerians
June 20, 2019
Technology Alone Won’t Launch ‘Drones for Good’ from Pilots to Progress
May 28, 2019
The Economist
Drone Deliveries are Advancing in Health Care
June 15, 2019
What We're Reading
Digital Square
Global Goods Guidebook
Venturewell Development Framework for Evaluating Programs for Early-stage Entrepreneurs
Harvard Business Review
What Sets the Most Effective Innovators Apart
NPR Goats & Soda
Where Disease-carrying Mosquitos will Go in the Future
Acting on the Call Report 2019
We're Hiring
USAID's Center for Innovation and Impact (CII) takes a business-minded approach to fast-tracking the development, introduction and scale-up of health interventions that address the world's most important health challenges. CII invests seed capital in the most promising ideas and novel approaches, using forward-looking business practices to cut the time it takes to transform discoveries in the lab to impact on the ground.
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