Innovation and Impact Newsletter - December 2017

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Innovation and Impact E-newsletter from the Center for Accelerating Innovation and Impact. USAID Global Health

December 2017



CII and USAID/India Launch First-of-its-kind Development Impact Bond

Uktrisht, the first health Development Impact Bond will save the lives of up to 10,000 women and newborns over the next five years. Photo of mom and new baby.

At the 2017 Global Entrepreneurship Summit, Administrator Mark Green announced the launch of USAID’s first health development impact bond, dubbed the Utkrisht Impact Bond after the Hindi word for “excellence.” Impact bonds are focused on outcomes and can leverage private investor capital to address some of the world’s greatest challenges. This impact bond – the largest and most ambitious of its kind – aims to reduce maternal and newborn deaths by improving the quality of care in private health facilities in Rajasthan, India. It was developed by partners including USAID, Merck for Mothers, the UBS Optimus Foundation, PSI, Palladium, and HLFPPT, and it has the potential to enable up to 600,000 pregnant women to access improved care and save up to 10,000 maternal and newborns lives. The DIB has been featured in more than 50 media outlets, including Brookings, Medium, Devex, Reuters, LA Times, India Today, the State Department’s press conference, and more.

bar chart icon COMMUNITY HEALTH

CII, in partnership with The Financing Alliance for Health, launched a new report titled Strengthening Primary Health Care through Community Health Workers: Closing the $2 Billion Gap. This report strengthens the knowledge base around the need for community health financing and draws lessons from two unique examples – Zambia and Ethiopia – on financing pathways to secure additional resources. It is designed to help governments, donors, and other partners in the global health community develop and strengthen country-level financing pathways for community health. In January, the report will be launched publicly at events in New York and Washington, D.C.


globe icon  INNOVATION

We’re excited to share that one of our Saving Lives at Birth (SL@B) innovators was featured in TIME as one of the Best 25 Inventions of 2017! The BEMPU Hypothermia Alert Device is a newborn temperature-monitoring wristband that intuitively alerts caregivers if their newborn is losing too much heat, enabling intervention well before complications or death can occur. With support from SL@B, the device has helped an estimated 10,000 newborns. Bempu was recently nominated for a $2 million SL@B award to scale distribution of the device throughout India and abroad to achieve greater impact on saving newborn lives.

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Logo for Time magazine with a photo of a baby.

bar chart icon PRESS

One of our global health innovators, Rice 360° Institute for Global Health, is one of four finalists in the MacArthur Foundation’s 100&Change competition for their NEST360° program, which has the potential to halve the 1.1 million annual newborn deaths in Africa over the next 10 years with its package of lifesaving technologies. Through Saving Lives at Birth, USAID has supported the development of several NEST360° innovations for newborn care, positioning them for further funding and support as they develop and scale. Watch their final pitch. The competition announces the $100M winner on December 20th.

NEST - A newborn with oxygen


Check out this Medium blog from USAID that features nontraditional financing tools from CII’s Investing for Impact report, including the newly announced Development Impact Bond and seed funding approaches like the Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenge model. The blog also displays an interactive map to highlight where these tools are applied on a global level.

Screen shot of Medium story on Investing for Impact


calendar EVENTS

January 22–31, 2018
African Union Summit
African Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

January 23–26, 2018
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
World Economic Forum, Davos-Klosters, Switzerland


Ethiopia’s Former Health Minister Explains How They Built an Army to Save Mothers’ Lives

The Economist
Beefing Up Mobile Phone and Internet Penetration in Africa

Harvard Business Review
Too Many Experts can Hurt Your Innovation Projects

Stanford Social Innovation Review
A New Model of Collaborative Philanthropy

broadcast bars NEWS

Global Health Technologies Coalition
GHTC Honors Senator Coons, Congressman Cole, and the Dapivirine Microbicide Ring with Innovating for Impact Awards
November 30, 2017

European Commission
Commission Launches EIC Horizon Prize for Affordable High-tech for Humanitarian Aid
November 30, 2017

New ARV Drugs, Early Diagnosis Key to Beating AIDS Epidemic: UNAIDS
November 20, 2017

The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health
Call for Proposals: Success Factors for Collaborating across Sectors for Improved Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health
November 30, 2017

We're Hiring!

Senior Innovative Financing and Market Advisor

broadcast bars CII NEWS

Q&A: Mark Green on Why He’ll Champion Innovative Finance at USAID
December 12, 2017

PLOS featuring Project Last Mile
Leveraging Coca-Cola’s Supply Chain Expertise for Medicine Availability in Tanzania
November 9, 2017

VentureWell featuring SL@B
Innovator Insight Series
December 12, 2017

Internet of Business featuring Zika grantee
WeRobotics to Use Drones to Curb Mosquito Populations
November 22, 2017

Aspen Global Innovators Group featuring AMP Health
Expediting Access to Health Care in Rural Africa
November 13, 2017

The National Academies of Science, Engineering, Medicine including CII’s Adele Waugaman
Using Technology to Advance Global Health: Proceedings of a Workshop
November 16, 2017

PRI featuring Zika grantee
To Combat the Spread of Zika, a Nonprofit is Using Drones and Sterile Mosquitoes
November 30, 2017

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
14 Awards Granted through Ensuring Effective Health Supply Chains Grand Challenge
November 1, 2017

The Hindustan Times
USAID Launches “Rajasthan Development Impact Bond”
November 30, 2017

USAID Global Health Newsletter on Digital Health
December 4, 2017

UBS Launches World’s First Performance-based Healthcare Investment
November 30, 2017

BBC News featuring Zika grantee
Drones Scatter Mosquitoes to Fight Diseases
November 21, 2017

ScienceDirect featuring Ebola grantee
Field-testing of a Novel Color Indicator Added to Chlorine Solutions Used for Decontamination of Surfaces in Ebola Treatment Units
November 21, 2017

The Wall Street Journal featuring SL@B grantee
In Rwanda, Drones Delivery Medical Supplies to Remote Areas
December 1, 2017

Vayu, Zika Grand Challenge Innovator
A Vision for Vayu
November 16, 2017


Happy Holidays from CII!

Photo of the CII Team standing outside in winter clothes
A letter from the Team button

Read the letter [PDF, 320KB].



USAID's Center for Accelerating Innovation and Impact (CII) takes a business-minded approach to fast-tracking the development, introduction and scale-up of health interventions that address the world's most important health challenges. CII invests seed capital in the most promising ideas and novel approaches, using forward-looking business practices to cut the time it takes to transform discoveries in the lab to impact on the ground.

Learn more