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Did you know? We have many resources for partners—download these quick reference guides with essential terms and tips!
Register to WORK WITH USAID: What you need to know
Tips for Working with USAID Implementers
5 “Ps” to Successful Partnership
The Industry Liaison offers an open door to partners that want to connect with the Agency. They serve as a resource to provide organizations the information they need to work with us by responding to general requests and inviting feedback from vendors and other USAID stakeholders. We always welcome new partners—contact us.
Industry Liaison Resources
- Audience Insights Summary Report: A summary of your feedback and our next steps to continue enhancing our resources for partners. [PDF 74K]
- Industry Liaison Communications and Engagement Strategy [PDF 105K]
- Doing Business with USAID 101
Webinar recording
Webinar slide deck [PDF 3 MB] - FY 2019 Progress Report
- Memo about industry liaisons and U.S. Federal Agencies from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.
- News and updates from USAID’s Office of Acquisition and Assistance through our newsletter and Twitter @USAIDBizOpps.
We appreciate your questions and comments and invite you to contact our USAID Industry Liaison, Matthew Johnson, communications director for the Office of Acquisition and Assistance.
We want to connect with you and help you better engage with USAID. If you’re a partner looking to connect with the Agency, send us a message to IndustryLiaison@usaid.gov.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.