AAPD 20-08

Speeches Shim

AAPD 20-08: Leave and Holidays for CCNPSCs and TCNPSCs, including country leave for qualifying posts for eligible TCNPSCs

Subject: Personal Services Contracts

Purpose:The purpose of this AAPD is to announce revisions to AIDAR Appendix J contract clauses for Leave and Holidays for cooperating country national and third country national personal services contractors (CCN and TCN PSCs), including country leave for qualifying posts for eligible TCNPSCs performing services at specific posts abroad. These changes are pursuant to approved deviation #M/OAA-DEV-AIDAR-21-1c, effective December 21, 2020 until December 21, 2022, pending final rulemaking.

Required Action: Effective as of the issuance date of this AAPD, Contracting Officers, including warranted EXOs (COs), must incorporate in all new solicitations and awards the following revised AIDAR Appendix J, General Provision contract clauses (GPs) titled “Leave and Holidays”: • #6-1 - for CCNPSCs or TCNPSCs on the local compensation plan (LCP); • #6-2 - for CCNPSCs or TCNPSCs not subject to the LCP per Appendix J, 4.(c)(2)(ii)(B); • Add alternate paragraphs (f) and (g) in #6-2 for eligible TCNPSCs at qualifying posts. The revised clauses are included in the Attachment of this AAPD.

 AAPDs provide information of significance to all agency personnel and partners involved in the Acquisition and Assistance process. Information includes (but is not limited to): advance notification of changes in acquisition or assistance regulations; reminders; procedures; and general information. Also, AAPDs may be used to implement new requirements on short-notice, pending formal amendment of acquisition or assistance regulations. 

Date Issued: December 22, 2020

Tuesday, December 22, 2020 - 1:45pm