Speeches Shim
USAID’s Access for All activity aims to improve PWDs’ access to public places, transportation, and economic and social services; support the development of self-help organizations; and advocate for improved implementation of policies and laws related to PWDs. In response to activity implementation challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, USAID’s Access for All activity has adapted its work plan to include online tools. On May 4-8, USAID, the Disability Research and Capacity Development (a local organization of PWDs), and Ton Duc Thang University conducted a virtual training for 125 social work students. The training provided students with basic knowledge on disability and equality, case management, and application of the asset-based community development (ABCD) approach in practicing social work to support PWDs. The ABCD tool is used to sustainably develop communities by assessing their resources, skills, and experience; organizing the community around issues that move its members into action; and then determining/taking appropriate action.
On May 5, USAID and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) released the 2019 PCI report, which provides an independent and unbiased view on provincial economic governance by analysing survey responses from over 12,500 firms nationwide on a variety of business issues. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the annual PCI survey and the 25th year of diplomatic relations between the United States and Vietnam. A limited number of representatives attended the launch in person to allow for appropriate social distancing, including U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Daniel J. Kritenbrink, USAID/Vietnam Mission Director Michael Greene, VCCI Chairman Vu Tien Loc, and senior government officials from four leading provinces, in addition to nearly 1,000 people watching the live-stream launch ceremony online.
While actively working with stakeholders to advance an open digital economy, USAID is also engaging with the Office of the Government and Ministry of Information and Communications to design effective interventions to support Vietnam’s e-government development. In addition, the Mission is enhancing the adoption of digital tools and technology in future programming by joining the USAID Global Development Lab’s Digital Advisor Program.
The USAID Sustainable HIV and Tuberculosis Response from Technical Assistance (SHIFT) project strengthens and delivers innovative enhancements in HIV and Tuberculosis services and helps transition the HIV/AIDS response to host country ownership in six provinces in Vietnam in order to accomplish the country’s ambitious target of eliminating HIV by 2030. Over the last two months, COVID-19 related social distancing guidelines and hesitation to engage with the public healthcare system has slowed HIV testing in Vietnam.
USAID LinkSME, in close coordination with Government of Vietnam counterparts and business support organizations, has been working with the private sector in Vietnam to address gaps in the PPE supply chain. Building on last week’s air cargo shipment of 810,000 isolation gowns produced by a Vietnamese manufacturer, USAID LinkSME is now supporting follow-on orders of 790,000 isolation gowns, 250,000 headcovers, and 50,000 shoe covers. USAID LinkSME continues to support follow-on orders and seek raw material solutions for Vietnamese manufacturers to produce medical PPE.
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