Vietnam Program Updates

Speeches Shim

For USAID/Vietnam program updates issued before January 2017, please visit the 2012-2017 Archive Site.

April 24, 2020

To address the shortage of PPE in the United States, USAID LinkSME, in close coordination with Government of Vietnam counterparts and business support organizations, is working with the private sector in Vietnam to address gaps in the PPE supply chain. On April 18, USAID LinkSME facilitated air cargo shipments of 810,000 health care worker isolation gowns produced by a Vietnamese manufacturer. USAID LinkSME is supporting follow-on orders and assessing input sources for manufacturers.

April 15, 2020

The USAID Sustainable HIV and Tuberculosis Response from Technical Assistance (SHIFT) project strengthens and delivers innovative enhancements in HIV and TB services. In order to help Vietnam achieve its target to end TB by 2030, the USAID SHIFT project aims to implement strategic, high priority interventions that will be piloted and then scaled up, with a goal to “bend the curve” toward TB elimination.

April 15, 2020

Since late 2018, the USAID Trade Facilitation Program has made significant strides in improving collaboration with the General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC) and stimulating significant appetite for reform at the central and provincial levels. However, due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, implementation of USAID’s technical assistance activities are under threat of being put on hold. USAID quickly moved to mitigate the impact of the virus by supporting GDVC to increase its teleconferencing and videoconferencing capabilities.

April 15, 2020

To help Vietnam respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, USAID recently contributed new resources for laboratory strengthening, in addition to the already existing partnership between USAID and WHO to strengthen laboratories under the Global Health Security Program.

April 15, 2020

Today, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) virtually signed a $42 million agreement to advance Vietnam’s economic competitiveness, through strengthening private sector competitiveness, innovation and startup ecosystems, and human capital.  
