Flag of Sri Lanka


Speeches Shim

February 27, 2014

Like most places that have experienced conflict throughout the world, women were deeply affected by Sri Lanka’s 26-year conflict.  For most women who lived in the Indian Ocean island’s conflict zones, displacement, destruction, violence, harassment and loss were part of their everyday life.  The conflict ended in 2009, leaving many women traumatized and in need of psychosocial care, without belongings or livelihoods, and after the loss of their spouses, as heads of households.  Several USAID initiatives continue to support these women by integrating them into society and bringing normalcy b

February 27, 2014

I am so happy to be back on my own land, raising my children in the same surroundings I grew up in.  This is something I’ve been dreaming about for years,” beams Anusha Jeyapraba, from Sri Lanka’s war torn North.  For a major part of her life, 39-year-old Anusha knew nothing but violence, bloodshed, loss, displacement and destruction.

USAID/Sri Lanka’s CDCS addresses U.S. foreign policy goals of building and sustaining democratic, well governed states that respond to the needs of their people and reduce widespread poverty. USAID’s strategic framework as summarized on the following pages focuses on two Development Objectives (DOs) to support its overall Development Goal to accelerate reconciliation and economic growth equitably and sustainably.
