Speeches Shim

Nal’ibali, the national reading-for-enjoyment campaign, has partnered with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to bring the campaign’s proven approach to literacy development to selected rural schools in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces. Focussing on nurturing a love of reading for joy in English and home languages to spark children’s potential and unlock their school learning, the schools’ initiative, titled: ‘Story Powered Schools: A South African Reading Revolution’, is launching with the new school year this January.
Impact Evaluation Brief: Increasing Services for Survivors of Sexual Assault in South Africa
USAID’s primary development goal in South Africa is the country’s continued transformation into an equitable, effective, and exemplary nation. In consultation with the South African Government, USAID promotes improved rule of law and respect for human rights throughout Southern Africa, and supports South Africa’s leadership in advancing stability in the region and addressing the critical human rights issue of gender-based violence.
As the largest economy on the African continent, a model for peaceful post-conflict transition, a stable democracy, and as the vanguard in addressing HIV and AIDS, South Africa serves as an example for many African countries. However, to ensure its continued success, the Government of South Africa (GoSA) recognizes that it must address its internal challenges. The nation seeks to solve the most persistent of development challenges such as income inequality, delivery systems struggling to cope with an increasing number of needs, and growing vulnerable populations.
Appendices to the Evaluation Report: Children in Distress Network (CINDI) May’khethele OVC Program
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