Speeches Shim

South Africa is burdened by one of the most severe TB epidemics in the world, while also dealing with the greatest burden of HIV-infected individuals. TB prevalence is the world’s third highest, and millions are living with HIV/AIDS with hundreds of thousands of new infections each year.

“As a disabled person I’m glad that I’m able to produce food to feed my family and the surrounding community. Re ea phela! (We can live in South Sotho!)” That’s Mom Rosie Mateko speaking. She’s a project leader and founder of Monyakeng Disabled People of South Africa. Mateko had been a teacher until she was disabled by a stroke a few years ago.

It is a great pleasure to be with you today here in Soweto to share in the excitement of the launch of the Knowledge for Action website, which is part of the continued relationship between USAID, the ELMA Foundation, the Department of Basic Education, the Department of Higher Education and Training and the University of Johannesburg.

Good morning, Rowena. Thank you very much for inviting me. I’m thrilled to be here speaking with you this morning, and I’m thrilled to be in South Africa. It’s a new region for me but I am proud of the important work we are doing here and proud of the very strong relationship that USAID has with South Africans, whether it’s the government, the private sector or just ordinary people.
The U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) U.S. Global Development Lab is announcing $5 million for 25 new research partnerships to address critical areas of development. Through the Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) program, the Global Development Lab will award $5 million to high quality research projects across the world. Funded research projects address s global development challenges in partnership with a USG supported scientist .
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