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NPI Key Definitions (pdf - 282k)
The New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) diversifies USAID’s partner base by creating avenues for new and underutilized partners to work with USAID. Through NPI, the Agency promotes local leadership, seeks bold and innovative approaches to fostering self-reliance, and identifies new sources of funding to sustain partnership and scale impact.
Here are key terms that define the parameters of NPI.
New Partner: An individual or organization that has not received any funding from USAID as a prime partner over the last five years.
Underutilized Partner: An organization that has received less than $25 million in direct or indirect awards from USAID over the past five years.
Local Entity: An individual or organization that:
- Is legally organized under the laws of a country that is receiving assistance from USAID;
- Has its principal place of business or operations in a country receiving assistance from USAID;
- Is majority-owned by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of a country receiving assistance from USAID; and
- Is managed by a governing body, the majority of whom are citizens or lawful permanent residents of the country receiving assistance from USAID.
Locally Established Partner (LEP): A U.S. or international organization that works through locally led operations and programming models. LEPs:
- Have maintained continuous operations in-country for at least five years and materially demonstrate a long-term presence in a country through adherence or alignment to the following:
- Local staff comprises at least 50% of office personnel;
- Maintenance of a dedicated local office;
- Registration with the appropriate local authorities,
- A local bank account; and
- A portfolio of locally implemented programs.
- Have demonstrated links to the local community, including:
- If the organization has a governing body or board of directors, then it must include a majority of local citizens (in the host country, this is not required);
- A letter of support from a local organization to attest to its work; and
- Other criteria that an organization proposes to demonstrate its local roots.
Leverage: Significant resources mobilized from non-U.S. Government sources. USAID seeks the mobilization of resources of other actors on a 1:2 or greater basis (i.e., 50 percent of the proposed value of the award). Leveraged resources may include grants/awards from non-U.S. Government organizations or other donor governments.
Evergreening: If USAID identifies opportunities to strengthen or fund a concept note or application by connecting it with other USAID mechanisms, the Agency may make that concept or application available internally for appropriate consideration. Check out the Evergreening Quick Reference Guide (PDF - 232K).
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